

I went to Macau yesterday. For those of you who don't know, it used to be a Portuguese colony up until 1999 (much like Hong Kong was a UK colony up until 1997).

It's a bit cleaner than Hong Kong and felt less packed. Everything's written in both Chinese and Portuguese (and often English too), but no one speaks Portuguese. I saw some old Portuguese architecture and met a few Americans and a Canadian.

Macau is know as Asia's Las Vegas. So, I figured I might as well play a bit. I find that gambling is for mathematically challenged people. So, I don't know why I decided to play. Anyway, after losing 5$ (USD) in five minutes, I wanted revenge and got up to almost 100$ in gains. I thought to myself "Just one more win and I'm outta here". That's how I found myself short 50$ five hours later. What a fucking waste of time and money. I still can't figure out why I played.

Oh well. Today I got a skeleton costume for the Halloween bash in Lan Kwai Fong. Though, I never got any news from the girls I met there last week. *Sigh*

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