
Out with Xian; In with Shanghai

During my last night in Xian, while I was about to fall sleep in my hotel room, I got a call from a woman asking me if I wanted a massage. I said that I didn't want one and hung up. Then, I realized that no legitimate employee of the hotel would call patrons at this time of night for a massage and that I just had a call from a prostitute who was looking a customer. A few seconds later, I heard the phone in the next room ring. That's pretty aggressive marketing!

The next day, I did manage to get a flight to Shanghai at a local price.

Today, I spent the whole day exploring Shanghai. So far, it's the coolest city of my trip. This is what China should be. It's up there with Hong Kong in my opinion. It reminds me a bit of Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York all mixed together.

People nearly never spit here and their accent / dialect is more pleasant to the ear. Also, many people have a respectable sense of fashion here and I get a feeling that, in general, citizens of this city are more with it.

The skyline is nice to look at (especially at night when all the lights are shining, flashing and competing for your attention).

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