
Olympic Fever Starts Rising

I did lots of walking around downtown Vancouver. Went back to many places that have some significance to me. Although, one could see the Olympics were coming, the city wasn't as bustling as I expected.

Then, Thursday night, I went outside to see the Olympic flame makes its way in downtown Vancouver. So many people were outside waiting for it.

I got to see it from pretty close. People were definitely excited. As soon as the flame would be past a group of people, they would start following the runner. By the time we got to David Lam park, where the flame was to reside, the crowd was huge.

After a cauldron was lit with the Olympic flame, there was some music, some fireworks and visuals.

Today, I haven't gone out yet, but I know there is more action going from the constant buzz of the helicopters ahead.

I'll head to the Yaletown Livecity venue in David Lam park for the opening ceremonies in a few hours.

Vancouver is shedding its sleepy nature for a while!

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