
Day with Xumin

Today, Xumin, a girl who used to work two cubicles from me at Motorola in Montreal, came to see me. She lives in the greater Seattle area.

We had brunch together. We talked about the experience of moving to a different city. Although she acknowledges the problems Seattle has, she says it's the city she's enjoyed living in the most so far because it's in the middle of nice hiking spots. Too bad for me I'm not as much of a hiking enthusiast as she is.

She showed me a spot where you can get a great view of Seattle. She also brought me to the Ballard locks, where you can see a bunch of salmon fraying their way back upstream to lay eggs where they were born. It's fun to see all the salmon jump upstream (and up specially made "stairs") . You can watch them from the top of the locks and also from windows next to the "stairs" located in an underground center that's got information about salmon. We also saw a sea lion.

We drove a bit around a few neighborhoods. Then, I went for pizza and went back home.

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